Verizon Class Action Lawsuit: How You Could Claim Up to $100

Verizon Class Action Lawsuit: A major telecommunications company, recently settled a class action lawsuit regarding the alleged improper charging of administrative fees without proper disclosure to customers. While Verizon denies wrongdoing, the settlement involves a substantial $100 million payout to affected customers. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the details of the settlement, how eligible customers can claim their portion, and the options available for those who wish to pursue alternative courses of action.

Verizon Class Action Lawsuit

The Lawsuit and Settlement Overview:

The class action lawsuit against Verizon revolves around accusations of the company charging administrative fees without adequately informing its customers. Despite denying any wrongdoing, Verizon has opted to settle the case by agreeing to a $100 million payout to eligible customers.

Verizon Class Action Lawsuit

Eligibility and Claim Process:

If you are eligible to receive a portion of the settlement, will contact you via email or a mailed letter with instructions on how to apply for a payout. The deadline for submitting a claim is April 15, 2024. The communication from Verizon should include a Notice ID and Confirmation code, crucial information for submitting a claim on Verizon’s official website.

Opting Out and Lawsuit Alternative:

Customers have the option to opt out of the settlement and pursue legal action against independently. To opt out, customers must send a written letter to Verizon Administrative Charge Settlement Administrator, Attn: Exclusions, P.O. Box 58220, Philadelphia, PA 1910. The letter must be postmarked before Feb. 20, 2024. Those who choose not to opt-out or apply for the settlement payout will forfeit both the right to sue and their share of the settlement money.

Verizon Class Action Lawsuit

Expected Payouts:

States that each customer should anticipate a minimum payment of $15. However, the actual payout could be as high as $100 per person, depending on factors such as the duration of their Verizon subscription and the number of eligible customers who file claims. Payments will be distributed via either a check or electronic payment.

Important Dates to Remember:

  • Deadline for opting out: Feb. 20, 2024.
  • Deadline for submitting a claim: April 15, 2024.
Verizon Class Action Lawsuit


Verizon’s decision to settle the class action lawsuit highlights the company’s commitment to resolving customer concerns. Eligible customers now have the opportunity to claim their share of the $100 million settlement. Whether choosing to accept the payout or pursue legal action independently, customers should be aware of the important deadlines and follow the provided instructions for a smooth process. As this situation unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and fair business practices in the telecommunications industry.