The Most Popular December Global Holidays 2022 Calendar

December is undoubtedly the month of the festive year. Events and festivals mark the month up all around the world. December is about enjoying holidays, cookies, snow, and happy times. Some people spend quality time with their families, becoming curious about optimism, hope, and celebrations. But whatever the reason, there is no question that the December Global Holidays bring a sense of joy and happiness for all.

They found that December is the most popular month in which people travel more and book more trips during the cheerful time of the December holidays. The exchanging of gifts, more laughter in the air, becoming familiar, and spending time with family and friends add ups the cheerfulness of this month.

Suppose you think about spending quality time with your family and friends and want to feel free or live up happy. Remember that December is an opportunity for you to live. Here In this article, we share a list of December Global Holidays and festivities that seem to fill the air with loving memories.

December Global Holidays

International December Global Holidays 2022 List

1. Hanukkah

Hanukkah is a festival that is celebrated for eight days long. They celebrate it when Jewish people get together with their family or friends. This festive took place in Israel when the Jews were fighting back against the Greeks, and they discovered a small jug of oil that was alleged to last for one day. But marvelously, it held up to 8 days instead! So it is the anniversary of that miracle that gave the name of Hanukkah.

So travelers travel toward Hanukah to celebrate or enjoy the event, celebrated with potato pancakes or jelly doughnuts. Today, this festive has been praised for around 21 centuries globally, and people get to learn more about Jewish Heritage.

Hanukkah 2022 begins Sunday, 18 December to Eve Monday, 26 December

Place of Celebration – Sweden, NorwayIsrael, USA, Italy, Belgium, UK, South Carolina

2. World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day has been commemorated since 1998 every year on December 1st to raise awareness of the HIV/AIDS scourge. It is one of the December global holidays to celebrate those who lost their lives due to AIDS-related illness. The primary purpose of World AIDS Day is to make people aware of this illness, get around tested for HIV, and confirm their report and status. It also gives a message to people to learn about such diseases and support people affected by the same.

Date – 1 December 2022

Place of Celebration – World Wide

3. Santa Lucia

The Global December holiday, St. Lucia’s Day, celebrates the day to pay tribute to Lucia of Syracuse, an Italian Saint who died as a martyr. They found her as a light figure in the darkest part of the year. This day is celebrated by giving gift baskets to children containing St. Lucia items like candles, cookies, and fruits. Many people book their flights for Sweden to celebrate this festivity by singing Christmas carols and exchanging gifts. Another event celebrated on the same day is wearing a wreath of candles on your head. And St. Lucia helped the Christians who were poorly treated during oppression.

Date – December 13, 2022

Place of Celebration – Sweden, Norway, Finland

4. Krampusnacht

Krampusnacht is celebrated in Australia, Germany, and other Alpine countries, and the reason for this celebration is to discipline naughty and disobedient children. In Krampus, there was a democratic creature who used to punish children who had been naughty. In some tows where the celebration occurs, a group of men may dress scary creatures and go door-to-door, scaring children. It has become one of the national global holidays in Europe where people part and enjoys snacks with drinks and music.

Date – 6 December 2022

Place of Celebration – Austria, Germany, and many alpine countries

5. Feast of Immaculate Conception

The feast of Immaculate Conception is the day celebrated to pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Catholics say that God gave us a mother like Mary, who was chosen as a Jesus’ mother by God, and she was pure and saintly without sin. And people travel to Brazil to experience how Catholics celebrate the Feast of Immaculate Conception day by going to church for praying.

Date – 8 December 2022

Place of Celebration: Argentina, United States, Brazil, Philipines, Spain, Portugal, or other catholic states.

6. Christmas

Christmas is the festival of Christians celebrated on the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25th, 2022. The Christians consider that Jesus was the son of God. People celebrate this day by throwing a grand party with exchanging gifts. It is the happiest event for the children as they get assistance from their family, friends, Santa Claus or Father Christmas. Some celebrate Christmas by inviting friends or relatives, or some enjoy it with their family. Whatever the way, undoubtedly, people want while celebrating this fun-loving eve.

Date – 25 December 2022

Christmas Day is a national holiday in many communities such as Australia, Canada, The United Kingdom, and the United States.

7. New Year’s Evening

The December global holidays of the year-end up with the New Year’s celebration, which falls on December 31st every year. The people welcome New Year with a lot of celebration by attending parties at the office, eating particular foods, book parties with friends. All the country’s people celebrate the 31st night with dinner and music at a restaurant. It is markup the last holiday of the last day of the year. People worldwide celebrate this eve to say goodbye to the year by welcoming New Year happily.

Date – 25 December 2022

Place Of Celebration – Worldwide

8. Boxing Day

Regardless of its symbolism, Boxing Day still counted among one of the most iconic December holidays. The date has since been declared a public holiday in various countries around the world, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. In these countries, Boxing Day is typically marked by organizing sporting events.

Opinion has always been divided on how Boxing Day came into being and how best to celebrate it. Some people believe that this was the official day when churches gifted alms boxes to the poor after Christmas Eve. Others consider Boxing Day as the day to gift errand boys, postmen, and various kinds of servants, in appreciation for their service throughout the year.

Place Of Celebration – Worldwide

Date – 26 December 2022

9. Festivus

It is a December global holiday that took place in popular culture in 1997, courtesy of an episode on the Seinfeld show titled “The Strike.” The purpose of this parody holiday is to speak out against Christmas consumerism. As opposed to purchasing an expensive Christmas tree, Festivus is marked by standing around a plain aluminum pole. Other popular Festivus customs include “feats of strength” and “airing of grievances.”

Some people have thrashed out at Festivus enthusiasts terming them as anti-conventional people with unreasonable views about Christmas and its true meaning. However, the holiday has continued to grow in popularity, especially among frugal spenders and minimalism advocates.

Date – 23 December 2022

10. Yule

Yule, also called Yuletide, is a festival considered by Germanic people around the world. The festival has pagan roots that can be traced back to the Norse god Odin as well as the Anglo-Saxon festival of Modraniht. Yuletide technically falls within the Winter Solstice, making it one of the oldest and most popular winter celebrations in the world.

Ancient people considered Yule by lighting a huge log in a bonfire and spending the long night outdoors. Although the custom of log burning is still seen today, most people also consider this occasion by building a Yule altar, making an evergreen Yule wreath, or giving back to Mother Nature. Candlelit dinners and Yule tree decorations are also common, as are exchanging of nature-based gifts.

Date – 21 December to 1 January 2023

More Global December Holidays

  • Kwanzaa
  • Mexico (The day of the Virgin of Guadalupe)
  • Malta (Republic Day)
  • Ghana (Farmer’s Day)
  • United Arab Emirates ( National Day)
  • Thailand ( Constitution Day)
  • Qatar( National Day)
  • Philippines ( Rizal Day)
  • Bangladesh ( Victory Day), South Africa

With all these December Global Holidays 2022, the month is worth celebrating. If you are getting bored and feeling homesick, then explore these holidays. It’s not just a month to treat yourself to finer things in life. But it’s a perfect season to appreciate all those who truly made it worth ending the year. Celebrate the events by booking your trip and enjoy every eve with love.

How many December Global Holidays this year

More than 15 December Global Holidays in 2022.

What are the December global holidays lyrics and chords?

People around the world enjoy singing and playing music during December – from Christmas songs to global December holidays lyrics and chords.

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